ABOUT Whitney
Whitney is a counseling graduate student who works in our CBRS program. Whitney says, "With my clients I like to assess and reassess what activities they want to do. I am always up for a good craft, playing games, or cooking. I am very client driven: if you are not happy, let’s change our plans and do something else. By working together, we can do great things!"
When she is not working or at school, Whitney likes to spend time with her husband and furballs. She loves playing with her four pets (two cats, a dog, and a cockatiel) and taking a million pictures of them. She and her husband enjoy camping, fishing, going to movies, and going out to eat. She also loves to do creative things, like painting, wood projects, and cutting things on her Silhouette.
Master of Social Work (in progress)
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
(minor, Gender & Sexuality Studies)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation (in progress)
Crisis Response & Intervention

Whitney comes to social work from a background as a certified nursing assistant (CNA), where she worked in multiple healthcare settings, including nursing homes and as a home care provider. At the undergraduate level, Whitney studied psychology with a minor in gender & sexuality. In college, she did family studies and learned about cultural and individual differences, and her classes focused on psychological development, including child development and psychology of adolescence. At Priestley's, Whitney works with children and youth both in the schools and out in the community. She is currently an Idaho State University graduate student studying to receive a master's degree in clinical social work.